the life and times of kit

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Could It Be That Sound?

Over the past month, my Law & Order addiction has really blossomed (the title of this post references a TNT commercial for the show...played inumerable times during the show). On Mondays, if I'm not busy, I can watch SIX episodes - not back to back (there's a brief break for Angel and Charmed) - but six full hours of courtroom drama, nonetheless. Once I get started, I can't stop (and neither can Cooper). The stories hook me in. And I love that I don't have to get emotionally involved with the characters to appreciate the show.

Now, there are any number of reasons why my obsession should concern me. Six hours of TV is way too much to watch in one day, even if some of it is just background noise as I cook dinner or pay bills or whatever. But what shakes me up the most about all this L&W watching is what I've learned about myself psychographically. Not from the show itself, but from the commercials.

I'm all for cable advertising - any type of advertising that lets you target a specific audience and mindset for less cost than network advertising makes sense to me. And I know that advertisers do a good job figuring out who watches what. So why, then, do I see so many Cialis commercials? I'm a woman in my 20s!

Earlier this year, when I was obsessed with the MTV show Rich Girls, I thought the same thing. During that time, I saw one too many ads for the lastest and greatest hip hop album.

If what we consume (both tangible and intangible, I mean) helps define who we are, what does all of this say about me?

Only a marketer would have this crisis of self, huh?


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