the life and times of kit

Monday, December 06, 2004

The Romance of Heckling

Reading about things like this gives me the chills - in a good way. And between the Ukraine and this in Iran, I'm spending a lot of time with goose bumps these days.

I have an incredibly romantic idea of what it must be like to be a part of a mass of humanity, valiantly marching for justice. The reality is probably a lot colder and dirtier than my imagination, and I doubt that all of the romance involved makes up for the hell of living in an unjust society.

But when I watch, for example, the crowd scene in Moscow at the end of the movie The Saint, part of me wishes I was in the middle of that crowd, watching a cruel Mafia-type leader fall from grace.

But then I always remember photos like these, from Tiananmen Square, and all that romantic mystique somehow washes away.


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