the life and times of kit

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Oprah Backlash

My friends and I are finally accepting the fact that we're almost thirty, and we're starting a book club. I don't mind, really, as there will be wine and cheese involved and I always enjoyed English class anyway.

And interestingly, I wasn't the first of the group to mention that I don't want to read any Oprah books. I have a particular aversion to them. Something about the entire cult of Oprah rubs me the wrong way and always has.

Last night, Ann Althouse blogged about the appearance of the Seinfeld cast on Oprah. I cringed as I read the post - all those screaming women, just one step away from a Backstreet Boys concert (I was never that into boy bands, either, which is not to say I don't appreciate a good pop song, but that I can't handle zillions of screaming girls, no matter what their age).

Why is this kind of blind worship necessary? Like I said yesterday, people's desire (or willingness) to be spoon-fed makes me very nervous.


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