the life and times of kit

Friday, November 19, 2004

Semi-Delicious Treats

After picking up my business cards, I was all enfused with that glow that comes with sense of purpose. So I decided I was due for a little treat. It was almost lunchtime, so I headed to the beautiful and new Super Fresh near my local Office Depot (as a fledgling business owner, my lunchtime "treats" do not, alas, run to three-martini lunches or involve bottles of Cristal).

I decided that I would make up for the lack of glamour with a lot of calories and sodium. So I picked up a Freschetta Brick Oven Thai Chicken pizza. At the time, it sounded fantastic. I brought it home, cooked it for the requisite 12 minutes, and bit into my little slice of heaven. And the first bite really was fantastic. Spicy and peanuty and a little pizza-y. Unfortunately, it went downhill from there. Too much sauce, too much intensity of flavor, too little differentiation between the flavors of the toppings (chicken, carrots and scallions should not be indistinguishable).

In good conscience, I cannot recommend this as a meal to anyone, ever. Such a disappointment.


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