the life and times of kit

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Annoyed with Myself

About a year and a half ago, right after I moved in with Cooper, my dad made me get rid of a bunch of boxes of old textbooks, papers and magazines I was storing in my parents' basement. (In theory, I was supposed to remove all traces of myself from their house, but I've just been ignoring my old dance dresses and dolls, knowing that he doesn't go in the rooms where they're stored.)

His reasoning was good: I had my own attic for all my crap. Unfortunately, instead of actually hauling all my old magazines to my new house, I threw most of them out. Though it seemed logical at the time. Not only would the magazines serve as a constant reminder of my massive credit card debt that I don't want to repeat, some of them are now actually somewhat valuable.

I tossed about ten issues of the now defunct, very cool, Baltimore-related design magazine Nest. The layout of the magazine was so cool I wish I still had them around just to look at. Plus, you can now buy old issues on eBay. Not that I'd sell mine necessarily but still...this will be a lesson for me.


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