the life and times of kit

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Catching Up on My Watching

Last night I took a break from L&O (I've seen them all anyway) to watch the Real World: Philadelphia reunion special and last week's episode of PoweR Girls. SUCH quality television. BTW, love the MTV spring break ads where they mock everyone's embarrassment about watching.

PoweR Girls - everything I could have imagined and more. These girls are so dumb they deserve to be on this show. They also make me hope that reincarnation does exist so they'll get theirs in the next life. Who is this shallow? Who ACTUALLY wanted to be on Sex and the City? Oh, right, thousands and thousands of girls in NYC.

RW: Philly - First, I love reunion shows. They make it so easy not to watch the season. Especially when the season involves the most boring (and not even that cute) cast ever and outrageously tired storylines. Sarah's slutty? Got an eating disorder? Karamo's gay? Mel's annoying? YAAAAAWWWWWN.

Plus, Philly? Who wants to live in Philly? Its not crappy like Newark or anything, but it definitely lacks buzz. In fact, maybe the next one should be in Newark. At least it'd be different.

We saw some footage last night, though, proving that the season could have been a little more interesting, if only it'd been edited that way. They had enough extra hookup footage for Philly to be Vegas (OK, not exactly, but maybe for Chicago). Why not go with that? Sex sells, people.

And this is the first cast I've seen that really didn't seem to like each other very much at the reunion special. They don't have that "we were on RW" bond - MJ even said they don't. Bad casting? Its so conscious now, anyway. Last night, Willie even referred to himself as a "gay character." Maybe the casts are just too aware these days.

Finally, Karamo = a million times gayer than he was on the show. Guess now that he's officially out he doesn't have to butch it up as much. Good job breaking down stereotypes there, MTV.

I am so glad this season's over, though. And I'm not even going to start watching the Inferno 2. I've seen the same characters WAY too many times. Though the preview with Tonya dumping somebody's (Rachel from San Diego?) clothes in the water is pretty awesome.

Bring on Austin, I guess...


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