the life and times of kit

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

A Few Things

First of all, I'm at the library right now. While this weekend's move went amazingly smoothly (thanks again to everyone who helped), my DSL has not yet begun working. Even though it was supposed to be on yesterday. I knew, though, I just knew that the lady at Verizon was lying to me, just telling me what I wanted to hear, when she said it would be on by the 25th. I'm guessing it'll start sometime around Thursday.

Secondly, I finally got the new Harry Potter yesterday. I'm about 250 pages in already - it is such a quick read. Best one yet, I think. I'm torn between wanting to read all the time and wanting to make it last.

Finally, last week, after the Roberts nomination, I posted about how cute I thought his kids were. What I didn't explicitly say, but what I meant, was: this is how I'm going to dress my children whenever I get the chance. Honestly, I had no idea that their adorable outfits were going to get so much negative press (link is to Lileks, who isn't negative at all, but who addresses the whole ridiculous thing). When I read about stuff like this, I really can't help but wonder how some people's worldviews develop.

That's it for now. More later...hopefully from my cushy new office.


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