the life and times of kit

Friday, September 30, 2005

Les chambres sont petits.

tiny room
Originally uploaded by Kit Pollard.

Our flight to Paris (through Atlanta) was exhausting, thanks mostly to a miniature Serbian man who thought he was very, very funny and apparently didn't need sleep. So when we arrived at the hotel to learn that our rooms weren't ready, we weren't in the best shape. But we made the best of it and walked to the Monoprix (i.e. French Walmart) to stock up on snacks.

When we arrived back at the hotel - more than an hour later - we learned that Gilly and Sarah's room was ready, but Missy's and mine was not yet. No matter, we'll all have a snack in the room that was ready.

Little did we know that the room wasn't going to be big enough for the four of us at once. Especially not with all our luggage. Sarah had to go into the all to take this picture, which doesn't even really do justice to just how petit the room was.

It's a good thing we weren't there for the accommodations.


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