the life and times of kit

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Burning Out

Both Dave Barry and Stephen Green (along with countless other bloggers, I'm sure) are suffering from some type of blogger burnout. OK, I haven't actually read Dave Barry regularly since I was 15 and reading him in the Sunday Washington Post Magazine, but I love VodkaPundit. He's all libertarian and socially liberal and just so cute.

This makes me wonder, though, how some other bloggers don't crumble under the weight of their blogs. I mean, how does Glenn Reynolds stay so Insta? And The Belmont Club? Wretchard writes about five really solid case study style essays a week. All insightful.

I've never even been able to keep a daily diary (I decided a long time ago, around 12, that if I'm writing for my own enjoyment, as opposed to that of my English teacher, there's no reason why I should force myself to write something every day.)

More power to them...but I was burnt out just from reading blogs after the election. And it is supposed to be fun, right?


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