the life and times of kit

Monday, January 17, 2005

Not Going to Happen on My Watch

Amen. Stephen Green goes off about the state of "kids today" and the parents who make them into whiny, sniveling brats who refuse to grow up. I concur. Especially with the pieces about restaurants and other public venues. I cannot tell you how much it annoys me to see obnoxious kids in nice restaurants.

On the flip side, when I see truly well-behaved kids in nice restaurants, it thrills me. When I was in college, I had dinner at the Williamsburg Inn with my parents about once a year. One of those times, we saw a young family - mom, dad and maybe a 4-year-old son. We expected the worst. As it turns out, the son was absolutely perfectly behaved. The family left the restaurant at the same time we did; my mother complimented the boy's parents on our way out. They couldn't have been happier or nicer.

I can only hope that there's a backlash in the works. People my age are just starting to have kids and I know at least a few who are fed up with the parenting skills they see around them. I, for one, am not about to let a six year old dress like Britney - or pick her own clothes at all for that matter. And if my child misbehaves in a restaurant - we're LEAVING and it won't be pretty once we get in the car.

And mark my words there will be winners and losers in my kids' sports games. But that's another story...

I mean, why should I expect anything less from my kids than my parents expected from me?


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