the life and times of kit

Monday, April 18, 2005

Lacking in the Motivation

Over the past few weeks, I've discovered that all of my (female and married) friends are really into their yards. It's spring and all of a sudden everyone's talking about planting things and using words I don't recognize.

Last year, I was too busy with the wedding stuff to think much about our yard. We planted some herbs and I took care of them and was very, very proud, but that was the extent of it. So, in an effort to keep up (and because it is really nice outside and flowers are pretty) I've decided to become outdoorsy.

I mentioned this to Cooper, and that I wasn't really sure where to start, and he pointed out that I taught myself to cook in a few months by reading and at least he has faith in me.

I've done the first part - some internet research. And part of the second part - I bought a bunch of herbs (they're so practical - it makes me feel like Ina Garten to have fresh herbs to use - and I totally want to be her). I got cute copper plant labels and engraved the herbs' names on them. And I did a little bit of pruning on the hydrangea in front of the house (the reality is that this shouldn't be that difficult - there are tons of plants in our yard that just appear every year and seem to thrive without any prompting - so as long as I don't kill them, I'll feel successful.)

But that's where it ends.

For the past 5 days, I've written "herb garden" on my list of things to do. I picked a spot in the yard that seemed like a good idea (last year's herbs got too much sun and died in August - which made me feel like a total failure, of course). And finally today I went outside and found our garden rake to prep the area.

Lasted about 30 seconds. Its hard as a rock. Who knew? Well, I actually think Cooper knew and tried to warn me, but I didn't listen.

So I am totally back to the drawing board. And in the meantime, the herbs I bought are starting to look really sad and wilty. Inspiring, of course, a total crisis of confidence.


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