the life and times of kit

Thursday, August 25, 2005

This Article Is about My Brother

Just kidding. He's not really that much of a Rock Snob. Or, more accurately, its never been all about rock for him. He's a little bit of a music hippie, too. Maybe an indie-yuppie-hippie?

Anyway, the article. It's all about how Rock Snobs are losing the exclusivity that makes them snobs because iPods make it so easy for unworthy fans to find and share "cool" music. As an unworthy fan of many types of music, I feel highly qualified to say that the Rock Snobs should relax. If most of the unworthy are anything like me, they're still too lazy (or just don't care enough) to seek out the rare, uber-cool tracks that you so appreciate.

And even if your moochy friends download all 10,000 songs from your iTunes, they'll never get around to listening to them all. So calm down. You're still cooler than the rest of us.


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