the life and times of kit

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Kitchen Confidential

As soon as I heard about this show, I thought, "I will love this." And then I totally forgot about it until I was flipping through the DirecTV guide last night. And once again, I thought, "I will love this."

And I should love it. I have got to be the EXACT target audience for it. I read the book, laughing out loud like a jackass for much of it. I develop crushes on male celebrity chefs (but not Rocco DiSpirito). I want to be a female celebrity chef (but NOT Rachel Ray). For whatever reason, life behind a stove actually seems glamorous to me.

So I watched it. And I...liked it. The acting is fine. The characters are straight out of the book. The jokes were pretty funny, for a sitcom. But I didn't looooove it.

Maybe it's because it was an early episode, so the cast is still gelling and the writers are still laying groundwork. Or maybe it's because it was on just after Arrested Development, which is written unlike any other show on TV. (Though I've read a few critics of yesterday's episode. Maybe it's because I don't watch it all the time, but I thought it was funny.)

Anyway, I will continue to try Kitchen Confidential, but I really hope it gets better. Or maybe I'll have to work on lowering my expectations.


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