the life and times of kit

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Things I Love about the Poconos

pocs outside
Originally uploaded by Kit Pollard.

"We have such a great life."

Saturday morning I took an hour-long walk around the lake at Skytop Lodge with Sarah, Amy and Gretchen. It was nearly 70 degrees and the trees were bright and beautiful - amazing for November. It was almost unnecessary for Sarah to mention how great our lives are: it's so obvious at times like that. Nice, though, to remember not to take it for granted.

I spent the rest of the weekend feeling sappily lucky that I have such great friends and that I get to have weekends like this last one. As I've mentioned here before, the two weekends a year we spend at Sarah's family's cottage in the Pocs are some of my most highly anticipated and favorite.

This weekend, not surprisingly, didn't disappoint. The weather really was perfect, so we did nearly everything outside. While the boys played golf we took our walk, picked up some treats and did a little ethnography of the local color at Wal-Mart. When we all got back home, Sarah and I sat outside and read (I finished this - very entertaining) while Amy baked pumpkin bread and an apple crisp. After some lounging, we had a surprisingly good dinner at a local restaurant, where the entire clientele sang a rousing round of Happy Birthday to Brian (much to our surprise - we started out singing quite quietly, so as not to cause a scene).

We wrapped up the night with a little red wine by our outdoor firepit (one of the best engagement gifts ever). When we retired to our (twin) beds, we got to fall asleep listening to the waterfall, completely relaxed.

Such a great life, indeed. Plus, we talked about Laguna Beach all weekend. LOVE IT.


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