the life and times of kit

Thursday, May 19, 2005

A Real Man- From a Guest Blogger

Work has been a little slow lately. Which in turn means that I have been spending A LOT of my ‘work’ day on the internet, researching things like what a ‘blog’ is and also the really important things like when Rob and Amber’s upcoming wedding special is or who was voted off American Idol last night.

Which leads me to why I am here. I told my dear friend Kit, (also my smartest friend-I do not care what any quiz says), that I would ‘guest blog’ on her blogspot. So here I am.

I do not know what kind of first impression this will leave but while Kit describes what literary geniuses people like Ann Althouse and Bill Bryson are, I am more inclined to think that Bill Simmons is.

Who is Bill Simmons? He is a writer aka ‘Sports Guy’ for Page 2 at But I do not love him for him sports commentary. (I am no poser, I realize that I am ‘athletically-challenged’ to say the least, and therefore my interest in sports is slim to a big fat zippy.) I love him for his honesty. Finally, a man who can admit that he enjoys the occasional Bachelor episode or has watched Elimidate more than once. How can you not love a man who debates the O.C. vs. 90210 with such poignancy? What man admits that he does not just humor his wife by watching American Idol and the Real World/Road Rules Challenge, he secretly revels in the hour or so that these shows are on? In my mind he is not tall, dark and handsome but instead he puts down his Xbox controller in the middle of Halo 2, regulates his testosterone levels and gallantly gives his wife the remote. Bill Simmons, in my world, you are truly a ‘real’ man.


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