the life and times of kit

Monday, November 14, 2005

Thoughts on Laguna

1. The finale I know it's bittersweet to leave your friends and family, take the next step, whatever, but really. Most of these kids just moved to LA. Not exactly far from each other, or far from Laguna.

2. We're supposed to get misty at the Ste-phen and Kristin montage? I'm pretty sure that she wasn't thinking about Stephen while she was wistfully staring at the water. They've been so over for so long. And they're moving to the same city. Maybe I could find that scene a tiny bit believable if I didn't know that Stephen did or did not hook up with Paris and Kristin's dating Brody Jenner. But I do, so I don't.

3. I hate Alex M.'s stripper nails.

4. I predict that season three will sputter and die. The cast just doesn't seem pretty enough. Or, more accurately, the girls in the cast just don't seem pretty enough. They don't have that California girl, all-American look. They look hard. Like Jenna Jameson. And I don't mean that in a good way.

5. However, I also predict that LC's spinoff will be fantastic. After two seasons of LBHS, maybe I'm ready to move on, just like she is. I think it has potential. And maybe we'll find out what's going on with Jason. Where was he in this episode? I guess that's what happens when you finish editing several months before the show airs.

6. And, finally, where is Kristin's spinoff? I might be Team LC, but I know who makes good TV. And Kristin does.

Overall, I'm sad the season is over. I really am. But I'm also feeling like Liz Gately let me down a little. Guess I'll just have to hold out until The Hills premieres this spring.


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